Jefferson's Plan to reduce the Military force!!!!
We have been studying Jefferson's 2 terms as president this week. In your studies you have learned that Jefferson did great things to expand the size of the USA. However, was his plans to limit the National Government a good one. Jefferson reduced the military by 75%. He didn't build up the Navy at all. Was this a good move in light of what was going on with England and France with their impressment of our ship's crews. Did this put our country's security in jeopardy? Should our Federal government keep us safe from foreign invasions? Should our Federal government protect us from terrorism? Compare and contrast Jefferson's reduction to military strength to what some people in USA wish we would do in Iraq "Cut and run........"
It was probably not a good move, but he was elected in 1800, campaigning for smaller government. After the American Revolution, a lot of people didn't want to pay taxes for a large standing army. The Louisiana Purchase of 1803, which doubled the countrys size was a very good move. His Embargo Act or 1807 was a bad move because he didn't have the naval power to comfront the British. The US government should protect us from terrorism, with limitations. Cost, casualties, and civil liberties should be considered. Jefferson probably did too little while in Iraq, we may be doing too much.
Mr. Hayner,
i dont think this was a good move primarially because we were still a small country and were more vonerable to attacks. the embargo act wasn't smart either becaus then we couldn't even protect our selves from a navell attack.
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