Sunday, September 30, 2007

Jefferson's Plan to reduce the Military force!!!!

We have been studying Jefferson's 2 terms as president this week. In your studies you have learned that Jefferson did great things to expand the size of the USA. However, was his plans to limit the National Government a good one. Jefferson reduced the military by 75%. He didn't build up the Navy at all. Was this a good move in light of what was going on with England and France with their impressment of our ship's crews. Did this put our country's security in jeopardy? Should our Federal government keep us safe from foreign invasions? Should our Federal government protect us from terrorism? Compare and contrast Jefferson's reduction to military strength to what some people in USA wish we would do in Iraq "Cut and run........"

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Hamilton vs Jefferson

We have been studying Washington's First Term as President of the the new USA. He had surrounded himself with very talented people. Two of those talented people are Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson. However, those two were at opposite sides of the political agenda. Hamilton's view was for a strong federal government lead by the elite of the American populous. Jefferson on the other hand believed the power should be in the states with the common man. What do you think? Why do you think that way? Which person do you side with and why?

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Why didn't the Articles of Confederation work?

In our studies this week we have been reading and discussing the Articles of Confederation. Ratified in 1781 by the newly formed American colonies. It served its purpose in the begining, but it was soon outgrown after the revolution had ended in 1783. What were the short comings of the Articles and why do you think it wasn't sufficient for the American colonists?

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Who were the Sons of Liberty

In our discussions and review of the "Road to Revolution" this first week of school, we talked about the importance of the Sons of Liberty to the cause for Independence in the American Colonies. In your own words please describe who they were, details about them, and why you think they were so important to the American cause for independence.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Why do you need to learn how to learn?

Today's blog is titled "Why do you need to learn how to learn? The theme of my US History 1 class is to teach my students in my classes how to learn. America grew to be the most powerfull nation in the world and it also became the country with the highest standard of living. This came about because Americans worked hard and were able to learn better than the other nations of the world. Technology is expanding and the rest of the world has caught us in the area of education and economics. Americans over the last several decades have forgot how to learn. I would like to hear from you how you learn and why it is important to "Learn to how to learn...."

Watch this video for information regarding why it is important to learn how to learn.