Saturday, September 8, 2007

Why didn't the Articles of Confederation work?

In our studies this week we have been reading and discussing the Articles of Confederation. Ratified in 1781 by the newly formed American colonies. It served its purpose in the begining, but it was soon outgrown after the revolution had ended in 1783. What were the short comings of the Articles and why do you think it wasn't sufficient for the American colonists?


Blogger Unknown said...

I think that the Articles failed for many reasons. Such as congress was powerless to levy or collect taxes, despite a huge debt from the war. Also, the congress couldn't maintain an army OR navy because it couldn't pay for them. Another reason would be because congress had no control over foreign or interstate commerce. Such as states imposed taxes on goods from other states and American merchants had a difficult time competing with European rivals. Therefore, congress was unable to establ;ish a sound economy. States coined their own money, making the trade quite difficult.

September 20, 2007 at 6:41 PM  
Blogger Little Land said...

The Articles were faulty because they allowed for only the legislative branch in the government. They didn't have an executive branch to enforce the laws or a judicial branch to settle disputes about laws. Also they were powerless to demand taxes so they had no funding to actually pay for anything, including the national debts. The legislature had no control on the economy, either.
The Articles of Confederation were enough to work while the colonies were unified under the rebellion against the British, but after they all went back to their own thing, they all had different goals and motives, so they were a weak group of states, just like having a group of friends who have no business experience start an actual business. It would likely be of very poor quality because they have no idea what in the world they're doing. It's the same thing with the confederation of states under the Articles of Confederation. They are not likely to succeed in the government because they are just a weak group of friends who have no way of getting money.

September 27, 2007 at 3:26 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

My idea of why the articles of confederation did not work was for these reasons. one they gave to much power to the states. two they had no power to tax states to pay for debts so they wouldn't be able to pay debts because no one would pay taxes. last thing is because of how there was no goverment between the states. The only thing it did was seperate the states even more than it was before.

October 3, 2007 at 8:02 PM  
Blogger Christina Witmer said...

The Articles of Confederation had many weaknesses and that is the reason why the articles didn't work. They were they lacked power to enforce laws, lacked power to levy taxes, Could not regulate trade between the states, All 13 states had to vote yes to change the Articles. There was no military, no President, no national court system and no national control over trade with other countries. That is why i htink the Articles didn't work.

October 16, 2007 at 12:12 PM  
Blogger Jordan Specht said...

Mr. Hayner,
the reason the articals of confetteration didn't work is because they didn't give each state a lot of power, didnt make states pay taxes, therefore they couldn't pay off the countries debt. the final reason they didn' work is because the states seperated more because of the articals of confeteration.

December 12, 2008 at 1:05 PM  

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